Lichter in X3d

Kann  das Point-LIcht keinen Schatten werfen?

"To be able to use shadows, you first need a light source. What kind of light source does not matter – shadows can be used with directional lights and spot lights as well as point lights. Shadow rendering is turned on, when the shadowIntensity property of a light node is set to a value greater than zero. The higher the setting, the darker the shadows will be. However, be advised that shadow computations are quite expensive and can have noticable impact on the performance of your application."

Beim Export aus Blender: alle Lichter ohne Schlagschatten?

<PointLight id='point' on='TRUE' intensity='0.9000' color='0.0 0.6 0.0' location='0 10 0.5 ' radius='5.0000' shadowIntensity='0.5'  shadowCascades="1" shadowFilterSize="16" shadowMapSize="512">  </PointLight> 

 <directionalLight id="directional" direction='-1 -1 0' on ="TRUE" intensity='1.0' shadowIntensity='0.5'  shadowCascades="1" shadowFilterSize="16" shadowMapSize="512">